Embrace the timeless beauty of our large white rose bouquet, a symbol of purity and sophistication. Each exquisite bloom is meticulously selected for its pristine petals and graceful presence, creating a display that exudes elegance in every stem. Whether you're marking a special occasion or seeking to convey a sense of serenity, our large white rose bouquet is a perfect choice. With its understated yet impactful beauty, this bouquet makes a statement that transcends romance, offering a versatile expression of grace and refinement. Elevate your moments with the pure allure of our large white rose bouquet.
Vase is included with the arrangement.
Premium White Mondial Roses
15'' clipped, Measure height 17'' in total
How to Care for Your Bouquet:
Clean Your Vase to Avoid Bacteria.
Fill 2/3 Vase With Water.
Make Sure Leaves Don’t Touch the Water. Remove if Necessary.
Change Water Every 2-3 Days.
Keep Away from Direct Sunlight and Avoid Spraying Flowers with Water.
Keep at Room Temperature in an Environment with Air Circulation.