Experience the pure elegance of our white rose bouquet, a timeless symbol of grace and sophistication. Each pristine bloom is carefully selected for its pristine beauty and delicate fragrance, creating a stunning arrangement that exudes understated luxury. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, expressing sympathy, or simply adding a touch of refinement to your space, our white rose bouquet is a perfect choice. Elevate any moment with the serene beauty of white roses, and let their classic charm leave a lasting impression.
Vase is included.
How to Care for Your Bouquet:
Clean Your Vase to Avoid Bacteria.
Fill 2/3 Vase With Water.
Make Sure Leaves Don’t Touch the Water. Remove if Necessary.
Change Water Every 2-3 Days.
Keep Away from Direct Sunlight and Avoid Spraying Flowers with Water.
Keep at Room Temperature in an Environment with Air Circulation.