A slight touch of tropical. The Peace Lily is a tropical plant that, when cared for, grows white flowers for a pleasant combination of white and green. It comes with a small tabletop footprint so you can enjoy nature without a big commitment. This plant is a great gift for any casual or formal setting.
Details and Instructions:
15"h. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist and avoid dryness. Do not overwater (only water when soil dries out). Give the plant dappled sunlight (do not place in direct afternoon sunlight). Reinvigorate your plant by removing the top 1/2 inch of soil and adding new potting soil to the planter.
How to Care for Your Plant:
Water Regularly to Keep the Soil Moist.
Make Sure Your Plant Gets Indirect Sunlight.
Remove Top 1/2 Inch of Soil and Add New Potting Soil for Best Results.